home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- gSessionManager._onLoad = gSessionManager.onLoad;
- gSessionManager.onLoad = function() {
- this._onLoad(true);
- // for updating session list
- document.getElementById('session_tree').view = this.treeView;
- // update list on notification
- gSessionManager.mObserverService.addObserver(gSessionManager, "sessionmanager-list-update", false);
- }
- gSessionManager.onUnload = function() {
- window.removeEventListener("unload", gSessionManager.onUnload, false);
- gSessionManager.mObserverService.removeObserver(gSessionManager, "sessionmanager-list-update");
- gSessionManager.treeView = null;
- }
- gSessionManager.onWindowClose = function() {
- }
- var treeView = {
- defaultChildData: {
- backupFolder: { container: true, open: false, childCount: 0 },
- backupSeparator: { separator: true, row: 1 }
- },
- childData: null,
- visibleData: null,
- treeBox: null,
- selection: null,
- get rowCount() { return this.visibleData.length; },
- setTree: function(treeBox) { this.treeBox = treeBox; },
- getCellText: function(idx, column) { return this.visibleData[idx]; },
- isContainer: function(idx) { return this.childData[this.visibleData[idx]].container; },
- isContainerOpen: function(idx) { return this.childData[this.visibleData[idx]].open; },
- isContainerEmpty: function(idx) { return this.childData[this.visibleData[idx]].childCount; },
- isSeparator: function(idx) { return this.childData[this.visibleData[idx]].separator; },
- isSorted: function() { return false; },
- isEditable: function(idx, column) { return false; },
- getImageSrc: function(idx, column) {},
- getProgressMode : function(idx,column) {},
- getCellValue: function(idx, column) {},
- cycleHeader: function(col, elem) {},
- selectionChanged: function() {},
- cycleCell: function(idx, column) {},
- performAction: function(action) {},
- performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) {},
- getRowProperties: function(idx, column, prop) {},
- getCellProperties: function(idx, column, prop) {},
- getColumnProperties: function(column, element, prop) {},
- getParentIndex: function(idx) {
- if (this.isContainer(idx)) return -1;
- for (var t = idx - 1; t >= 0 ; t--) {
- if (this.isContainer(t)) return t;
- }
- },
- getLevel: function(idx) {
- if (this.isContainer(idx)) return 0;
- return 1;
- },
- hasNextSibling: function(idx, after) {
- var thisLevel = this.getLevel(idx);
- for (var t = idx + 1; t < this.visibleData.length; t++) {
- var nextLevel = this.getLevel(t)
- if (nextLevel == thisLevel) return true;
- else if (nextLevel < thisLevel) return false;
- }
- },
- updateList: function() {
- if (!this.allowUpdate) return;
- this.allowUpdate = false;
- var windowSessions = this.gSessionManager.getWindowSessions();
- var sessions = this.gSessionManager.getSessions();
- // clear out existing items from tree
- var children = document.getElementById("sessions");
- var backups = document.getElementById("backup_sessions");
- while (backups.childNodes.length) backups.removeChild(backups.childNodes[0]);
- while (children.childNodes.length > 2) children.removeChild(children.childNodes[2]);
- // Reset tree view data to default, keep backup container open status.
- if (treeView.childData) treeView.defaultChildData.backupFolder.open = treeView.childData.backupFolder.open;
- delete(treeView.childData);
- delete(treeView.visibleData);
- treeView.childData = treeView.defaultChildData;
- treeView.visibleData = [];
- // Build the tree items from session list
- sessions.forEach(function(aSession, aIx) {
- var treeitem = document.createElement("treeitem");
- var treerow = document.createElement("treerow");
- var name = document.createElement("treecell");
- var windowCount = document.createElement("treecell");
- var tabCount = document.createElement("treecell");
- // Properties are used for CSS dispaly stuff
- var property = "";
- if (aSession.autosave) {
- property = property + aSession.autosave + " ";
- }
- if ((sessions.latestBackUpTime == aSession.timestamp) || (sessions.latestTime == aSession.timestamp)) {
- property = property + "latest ";
- }
- if ((aSession.name == this.gSessionManager.mPref__autosave_name) || (windowSessions[aSession.name.trim().toLowerCase()])) {
- property = property + "disabled";
- }
- if (property) name.setAttribute("properties", property);
- name.setAttribute("label", aSession.name);
- windowCount.setAttribute("label", aSession.windows);
- tabCount.setAttribute("label", aSession.tabs);
- treerow.appendChild(name);
- treerow.appendChild(windowCount);
- treerow.appendChild(tabCount);
- treeitem.appendChild(treerow);
- if (aSession.backup) backups.appendChild(treeitem);
- else children.appendChild(treeitem);
- // Add session filename to TreeView data for easy lookup
- treeView.childData[aSession.name] = { filename: aSession.fileName, backup: aSession.backup };
- if (aSession.backup) {
- treeView.childData.backupFolder.childCount++;
- // if backup Folder not in display list, add it and the separator
- if (!treeView.visibleData.backupFolder) {
- treeView.visibleData.unshift("backupSeparator");
- treeView.visibleData.unshift("backupFolder");
- }
- if (treeView.childData.backupFolder.open) {
- treeView.visibleData.splice(treeView.childData.backupSeparator.row++, 0, aSession.name);
- }
- }
- else {
- treeView.visibleData.push(aSession.name);
- }
- }, this);
- document.getElementById("backup_container").hidden = (backups.childNodes.length == 0);
- document.getElementById("backup_separator").hidden = (backups.childNodes.length == 0);
- this.allowUpdate = true;
- },
- handleEvent: function(aEvent) {
- // ignore non-enter key presses and right clicks
- if (((aEvent.type == "keypress") && (aEvent.keyCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN)) ||
- ((aEvent.type == "click") && (aEvent.button == 2))) {
- return;
- }
- var index = document.getElementById("session_tree").currentIndex;
- var filename = treeView.getCellText(index);
- dump("index = " + index + ", filename = " + filename + "\n");
- //this.gSessionManager.load(filename, (event.shiftKey && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey))?"overwrite":(event.shiftKey)?"newwindow":(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)?"append":"");
- }
- }